Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ferreira keeps on running

Driving through York South Weston, I couldn't help but notice plenty of signs for one Paul Ferreira for MPP. Some of the signs look like they have been rescued from a previous campaign and they likely have, as Mr. Ferreira has recently run for City Councillor and before that, for Member of Parliament. He is now running representing the NDP in the provincial bi-election. Ferreira ran a credible campaign for Councillor against the seemingly indestructable Frances Nunziata. I'm familiar with that campaign, because I did some work for another candidate in that election, Rocky Gualtieri.

Ferreira is a good speaker and seems to be a decent guy....and he sure is determined to get elected for something. York South Weston is outside my riding, so I won't be voting....but I wish him well.


Maria said...

he used to live in my building. Just moved out like a month ago or so. I just saw on TV that he won. We used to ride the streetcar to work together. I guess he'll be quitting that job to take his new MPP job.
He's a nice guy.

mister anchovy said...

When I watched his campaign for Councillor, I found him to be decent, intelligent, and well-spoken. I think he will give them good representation.