Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Canadian Fly Fishing Forum

My other blog, The Southern Ontario Fly Fisher, has been pretty much dormant for some time, given that there isn't much in the way of fly fishing action happening around here this time of year. However, I did post today about the Canadian Fly Fishing Forum, scheduled for April 14 and 15 this year in Burlington.


Underground Baker said...

It feels like the season for fishing is coming pretty darn soon here. I'm watching for the crocus in the pots to start popping up any minute.

I'm back, but not up to blog speed yet...got my starters warming up today, will start baking tomorrow.

How is your starter going?

mister anchovy said...

The starter is fine....I made one loaf on the weekend to test it out, and it was very very tasty. I'm going to try to make some bread each weekend, more or less.