Friday, February 02, 2007


I'm pretty tired out after a couple hours of drumming tonight. Check out this video of a 70 year old djembe master at work.


Geeky Tai-Tai said...

I really enjoyed the video, and wished I had that kind of rhythm. That dude is somethin' else! After you've become proficient, I'm going to guess you'll have hot young babes trying to keep up with YOUR beat too??? ;D

Anonymous said...

I would like to get down there and try some drumming. What is the adress?

mister anchovy said...

Hey Tim,
It's on Dundas St. between Denison and Augusta, on the north side - that's right below Kensington Market. It's $20 for two hours, from 7-9 on Friday nights. You don't need a djembe - they will loan you one.

Unless something comes up, I'll be there again next Friday. I had a gas last night. I think in March, he's going to go to a 5 lesson format, where you have to lock in for a group of lessons, but for now, it is on a drop-in basis. Apparently there are sometimes different teachers too! If you want to go next week, let me know...I go near your place anyway, so maybe we can meet on the corner and I'll give you a ride down.

Timmer said...
