Thursday, February 01, 2007

Zombie Preparedness Initiative | Keep Your Head. Remove Theirs.

via bifurcated rivets.
Well, it's a good thing I read bifurcated rivets fairly regularly, because otherwise I may not have known about the Zombie Preparedness Initiative. After all, I wouldn't want to be unprepared when the looming zombie invasion finally takes place, would you?

For those who want to be prepared for the invasion but don't know just what a zombie looks like, these pics will help


sp said...

Thanks for this link. With my recent visit to Fivebucks I need to know all I can about zombies. I was becoming a little concerned with today's warning that we may be in for an earthquake in the next couple of weeks so this is something very useful since I don't see why such an event couldn't trigger something like a zombie invasion. I'll read on.

Candy Minx said...

Well, this reminds me of the words of one of the worlds greatest shamans: Williams Burroughs.

The final convulsions of a universe based on quantitative factors, like money, junk, and time, would seem to be at hand. The time approaches when no amount of money will buy anything and time itself will run out.

This is a parable of vampirism gone berserk. But all vampiric blueprints for immortality are wrong not only from the ethical standpoint. They are ultimately unworkable. In Space Vampires Colin Wilson speaks of benign vampires. Take a little, leave a little. But they always take more than they leave by the basic nature of the vampire process of inconspicuous but inexorable consumption. The vampire converts quality-live blood, vitality, youth, talent-into quantity-food and time for himself. He perpetrates the most basic betrayal of the spirit, reducing all human dreams to his shit. And that's the wrongest wrong a man can be.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Well that is one freaky site. I read Stephen King's Cell which is about the world turned into zombies by a pulse over the cell phone. It would probably score 1 anchovy!