Saturday, February 03, 2007

Tuning your djembe

The author of this piece, about tuning djembes says, "A family of hungry insects travelled along with the djembes, and during the trip, they ate the goat skin heads of the djembes. I took several months to change them, and in the process I learned a lot about tuning djembes. The sensation I feel when, after the hard work involved in tuning a djembe, and I listen to its wonderful sound, is simply orgasmaical".

mister anchovy says....this is the first time I've seen the word orgasmaical, and I like it.

1 comment:

Geeky Tai-Tai said...

It's a great adjective! I needed that one a few weeks ago after the Eric Clapton concert....that's really how I felt, but I could only say "euphoric". That word didn't cut it for me -- I like ORGASMAICAL! Perfection!