Saturday, February 03, 2007

Phi - Paintings by Clive D'Oliveira

This afternoon, we ventured out to the Bau-Xi Gallery, on Dundas St. W. here in Toronto, for the opening of an exhibition by Clive D'Oliveira. You can see some good shots of his work on the Bau-Xi Website.

We enjoyed the new work - a series of small vertical paintings he calls Phi. The rigorous geometry, and the use of the so-called 'golden rectangle' is typical of Clive's work - this time out, though, Clive has allowed some brush strokes to creep into his painting. The paintings are acrylic on panel, 22X11 inches each. Bau-Xi is located on Dundas St. West, right across the street from the Art Gallery of Ontario - and Clive's work is in the upper gallery.

We've exhibited with Clive in the past - at Big Show, in 2006, in a massive former pool hall on College St. - and quite a few years ago in an exhibition called the Strachan Project.

If you get a chance, head down to the Bau-Xi to see Clive's exhibition.

1 comment:

Timmer said...

Clive's work looks excellent as usual! I'll get down there after work next week.