Sunday, January 21, 2007

Amazing Braised Cabbage

Try this:
Drizzle a little olive oil onto the bottom of a Dutch oven.
Cut up a green cabbage into 8 wedges, and lay them onto the bottom of the pan.
Chop up some carrots and onions and scatter them between the cabbage wedges.
Add some salt and pepper and hot chile flakes.
Add a cup of stock, preferably home-made.
Add a splash of good vinegar....I think just a little splash is fine.
Put the lid on the Dutch oven, and put it into the over at about 275F.
After an hour or so, take it out and gently turn the wedges over.
If needed, add more stock so it doesn't dry out.
Let it cook for another hour or so.
Take the Dutch oven out of the oven, and take the lid off.
(If you want, drizzle some balsamic vinegar over the cabbage.)
Crank up the heat to 450F or so.
Put the Dutch oven back in for about 15 or 20 minutes until the cabbage starts browning.

Feel the love.


Geeky Tai-Tai said...

I just ate dinner a couple of hours ago........and now I'm hungry again! I LOVE cabbage. I will definitely give this a try. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Well, I LOVE cabbage! The whole cabbage family in fact, brussel sprouts, brocoli, caulifower kale YUM!!!

I bake or steam cabbage for a while then saute it in butter till it gets braised. This sounds good. No carrots for me though.

Wandering Coyote said...

I love cabbage but no one else in the house will touch it! When I'm back on my own...

zydeco fish said...

I love cabbage too and I have to say that this sounds like a good recipe. My mother used to just boil it to death and serve huge pale wedges on white plates next to some sort of overcooked meat and boiled skinless potatoes. How sad it all looked.

Anonymous said...

Haven't had cabbage in years...this sounds yummy! Will try!