Saturday, January 20, 2007

Accordion porn

I wandered over to Let's Polka for a little fix - polka fix that is - and I saw a fantastic video. It's a group called Those Darn Accordions doing a whacked, polkafied version of Elvis Costello's Pump it Up. Man, I was getting pretty excited there for a while.

Check it out. I think you'll really enjoy this + Let's Polka is an excellent intro to the polka universe for those who haven't pulled their parents' old polka records out of the closet and rediscovered that polka magic.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll be back to listen to's a little too early around here for me to play music...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link (I've always wanted to be known as a purveyor of "accordion porn").

The TDA album that "Pump It Up" comes from is called "Squeeze This!" and it's probably my favorite accordion album of all time. Just a ridiculous mix of covers (including Jimi Hendrix's "Fire") and clever originals ("The Story of Lawrence Welk").

Anonymous said...

Okay, we saw this one and it sounded very good. I would say a straight ahead rendition. Funny how it took like 8 acordiaons to make the same sound that comes from the rich strums of Elvis heh heh!