Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who reads your blog?

I'm occasionally surprised when I run into a relative, for instance, who says, "I read that on your blog". Most people I know, even if they know it exists, are not so concerned with the antics of Mister Anchovy that they take the trouble to tune in to see what's there. A number of people I work with are aware of this blog's existence, and one or two check it out from time to time, but I suspect the rest just think I'm a little eccentric. After all, they also know I'm a painter and worse yet, a squeezebox player.

Today I met my boss' boss for the first time (is that like boss squared?). She asked about our activities outside of work, and in a fit of madness, I revealed Mister Anchovy's. Now regular readers will know that I rarely write anything about my job (except that I have to do one to keep the creditors at bay), and those who know what I do will know that I avoid commenting on any topics which might even have the faintest odour of a conflict. Still, anyone who knows my alter ego can always google his name and will find this place soon enough. It isn't as if I keep this little island hidden. I do value the separation between church and state (so to speak) though, and later I thought perhaps I should have avoided advertising Mister Anchovy's. After all, the very best readers are the ones who find it all by themselves.

But then there is always the remote possibility that boss squared actually digs blogs and will become a reader. If so, I say this...please feel free to create an identity and comment at will. (meanwhile, the rest of you out there, make nice please....)

Here are some searches which found this island in the sun:

Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Boogie-Woogie String Along For Real Kirk was awesome!
sweedish accordians squeeze it
gardenia bread images love making bread
vibrandoneon one post ages ago, and this search term keeps coming back
john howlin he was an old friend and a great painter
50's poetry I don't actually read a lot of 50s poetry
weird musical instruments weird is in the eye of the beholder
jack the tree guy does a good job
the saddest folk songs why do sad songs sometimes make us happy?
stripper anchovy setup huh?

So who in your life reads your blog?


Wandering Coyote said...

Um, most of my family reads the WC site, except for my mom, who told me it makes her "angry." However, she does go to I'm Listening quite a bit and even comments there, which makes ME angry. She also reads ReTorte. Generally, I try to keep things separate re. work & blogging, so I've had few problems in that area. Generally, I don't mind family reading unless they're going to be judgmental. I just went to see about a new position today, and on the paperwork they asked me for "hobbies"; in a fit of recklessness, I put down blogging. Gr. I should not have done that. You can Google my real name and find WC (though my name appears nowhere on it, so I'm not sure how that works...).

Anonymous said...

Well, I've read your blog ever since you linked to me and provided the recipe for patychkys (patychkies??). Which reminds me, I have to go to the store.

The only real people I know that read mine are my girlfriend, a cousin, and a couple colleagues who googled me.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I've been discovering that a lot of my spousal unit's coworkers read my blog, which I find rather weird.

Malcolm said...

My niece is a regular reader of my blog. She liked the interaction so much that she started her own blog (Traces of a Stream). My brother-in-law and a couple of friends and co-workers occasionally read my blog too.

Anonymous said...

I've told a few people at work about it but only those I really trust or would be half-ways interested. If they tell others, that's OK, and I don't mind them lurking. With only passing references to work they shouldn't have anything to pin on you, and as for personal stuff, the Too Much Information border should be as clearly defined on your blog as it is in real life.

mister anchovy said...

Hi Ian,
Thanks for visiting. I popped over to your blog this morning, and look forward to spending some time there.

Candy Minx said...

Um, well, I started my blog because Mister Anchovy said it was fun...and I didn't think I ahd anything to post about but I thought it would be good for my family and friends to look at pictures.

The biggest surprise of all is that absolutely almost no body in my "real life" goes to my blog. I phone friends long distance and they say "we miss you" and I say...why don't you go to my blog? I'm writing what I say here on the phone over there and with pictures!

Nope...well, my sister does go to my blog...and she started a blog too...but she is so busy with school and kids she rarely has time this year to blog or visit mine.

As it turns out...blogging is so much fun mostly because of the people you meet that you didn't know! I love blogland! I also don't feel far away from all my family and friends because I am online...I feel like at least I made the opportunity for contact possible...even though it didn't really get used that way....

tshsmom said...

When I started my blog, I sent a link to all my out-of-town friends and relatives. I got the same response as Candy. When they call or email, they want to know what we're up to. Um...it's all on my blog.

I don't give my blog address to anyone local, as I DO occasionally vent about work. I also vent about our clueless school system. Our school system can get a bit vindictive and could make homeschooling difficult for us if they wanted to. So I don't discuss blogging with any of our local friends.

Anonymous said...

I finally told the diversional therapist at the gimcrack because I can trust her not to tell anyone else.

it's a lot of fun having someone else know about it but obviously I can't tell too many or I'd lose my job

Bridget Jones said...

Yah, my blog got all of my family mad. So I moved it...well you know what happened.

I've admitted once or twice that I blog but haven't given any other info.