Monday, September 15, 2008

TV: Time to lock up the people who make Prison Break

I stopped unpacking boxes tonight to watch Prison Break. I enjoyed the show for the first couple seasons, and though last season they were running out of material, there was enough to keep me watching. So far this season is just lame. I think they should have quit while they were ahead instead of trying to squeeze every last possible dollar out of the show.


Wandering Coyote said...

Ah, the eye candy, though! For me.

I'm not as dubious as you are, though this is getting kind of old. I think it could have ended quite well after season two. Last season surprised me as I just assumed it would be terrible, but it was fine in the end. This season...well, I'm giving it time...I'm curious about Michael's nosebleeds.

zydeco fish said...

I managed to watch only one episode, and it didn't do a thing for me, much like Lost.

Candy Minx said...

Yeah, sometimes this happens with shows doesn't it. I've been known to lose interest in series even after a few years. That's too bad. I keep saying I've got to rent the first seasons though...

Maybe it will pick up again though. Writers go through various story arcs and waxing and waning...

mister anchovy said...

Candy, the first two seasons are brilliant.