Harper's sad commentary on the arts in Canada
Prime Minister Harper said in Saskatoon, "I think when ordinary working people come home, turn on the TV and see a gala of a bunch of people - you know, at a rich gala all subsidized by taxpayers claiming their subsidies aren't high enough when they know those subsidies have actually gone up - I'm not sure that's something that resonates with ordinary people"
PM should recognize value of culture: McGuinty
Layton vows to restore arts funding
Dion blasts Harper's arts censorship
Artists should be landlords not tenants
I've been a painter for my whole adult life. I've had a day job for the entire time. That's how I fund Anchovy World Headquarters. I've had the privilege to call many of Canada's most creative and insightful artists my friends. I don't know any rich artists. The artists I know who try to make a go of it without day jobs hardly scrape by.
It saddens me deeply that Mr. Harper and the Conservatives don't see the value of the arts in our country.
Please vote for anyone but the Conservatives in the upcoming federal election.
I thought this was an incredibly patronizing comment by Stevie. What galas? Give me a break. The galas are not funded by taxpayers' dollars!
I can just see this fridiot getting in and slashing Canada Council grants to writers. How many novels won't be written because of this?
Yup, this is truly unbelievable. I know a few artists, tons of photographers, and many many writers, and they all have day jobs.
I tried to comment last night, but I was just too pissed off to write anything.
I appreciated the links provided and I love Gordon Pinsent.
Some people say the world is going to hell in a handbasket I can't help but feel it's already there...
Not to worry, most of us won't!
I wonder if anyone in that party ever climbs out of their little jail to see how everyone else lives?
I know many artists and as far as I can tell they aren't hopping around to rich galas.
I've been to events that are organized by a group of artists or a collective to share their work. There may have even been some of those "ordinary working people" at such events. Wait a minute aren't I an ordinary working person too? And I consider myself to be an artist. I'm confused. Well at least I'm not out-of-it like Harper and the Conservatives.
And I also love how "ordinary people" do not have an interest in the arts, just in watching tv at night.
Although my vote will be wasted here in Alberta, I am doing my best to ensure that everyone I know votes ABC.
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