Thursday, September 11, 2008

A blur

The last couple weeks have been a blur. Today we had a plumber replace a toilet upstairs. It was a good thing we did this as it turned out it had been installed without a necessary flange. The plumber was amazed it hadn't leaked. An hour later, I accepted delivery of a yard of topsoil. This is to improve the grading of the property so water flows away from the house. Then our friend the roofer came by to check out the roof. Part of the roof is from 94 and will need to be replaced in the next year or two. The rest is pretty good for a few more years. It turns out that new toilets come without toilet seats, so off I went to buy one. I don't quite understand this. Can you imagine buying a car that didn't come with an engine?

I drove up to the old place to do some yard clean-up work this afternoon to make the place look good for the new owners. With all the rain, and with us packing and moving, it was getting a little overgrown.

Meanwhile, we're still in a sea of boxes. We need to get some bookshelves up before we can unpack any books, and we can't move our bed and stuff to the upstairs bedroom until the electrical work is complete up there. The house has an unusual configuration in that it has a living room and as well, a large family room that is part of an renovation that joined the garage to the house and created this large room above the garage. We had been thinking of turning the living room into our master bedroom, because we had the two large rooms, but on consideration, we're going to make the living room into a library/office type room and have our bedroom upstairs.

Tomorrow, I'll work on organizing the basement, which includes the room which will become my studio.


Wandering Coyote said...

Toilets with no seats? Really? That seems a little silly, but maybe they're trying to get you to spend more money by customizing your toilet a bit more by selecting funky toilet seats? I'm glad your old toilet didn't make a stinky mess for you to clean up! Sounds like the move went more or less smoothly!

mister anchovy said...

Lots of work. The challenge is that there are a number of things which have to get done before we can really settle in. The most important of these is some re-wiring. As well, we have a lot of books and no book shelves. We're going to have some built in, but we can't do that until the wiring job is done. All that said, we're comfortable here among the boxes and the cats are having a great time.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

So much work to be done! And did you say you had to do rewiring as well? Oi! I need a holiday just reading about that.

Bridget Jones said...

Boy you sure hit the ground running. Can't believe the no seats thing either, but now that I think of it, the display models usually don't have seats.


mister anchovy said...

We have to rewire about a quarter of the wiring in the place because it is old knob and tube wiring, likely the original wiring from the 40s when the house was built. The electrician is starting upstairs and working down. The whole business means we will be living out of boxes for a while longer, but it's worthwhile to get the job done right away.