Friday, September 12, 2008

The "following" feature and a shout-out to Fitzgerald

I discovered that Blogger has a "following" feature, which acts as a blog reader on the Blogger dashboard - only because I noticed on my dashboard that I had one follower. That is Fitzgerald who operates an excellent blues blog called Squeeze my Lemon that I've been reading for some time. I'm going to try out this feature to see how I like it. For tonight, though, I've added Fitzgerald.

Thanks Fitzgerald. Here's a little music mix for you.

Let's start with Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers. There isn't much live footage of this great band around, but this piece really rocks (I was hoping to find a video of Mr. Taylor playing Give Me Back My Wig, but you can't have everything).

Here's one I've posted before on this blog, Meet me at the Bottom by Howlin Wolf. I love the way this piece builds. At one point Wolf takes his glasses off and puts them in his pocket, then really lets loose. Brilliant performance.

Here's Furry Lewis singing about Casey Jones

Finally, here's T-Model Ford performing his signature Chicken-head Man.


Karen said...

I added the Following feature a few days ago and deleted it the same day. I like the idea of knowing who's following my blog but when I imported my list from google reader, it screwed everything up and made a huge mess. It was just easier to keep my beloved google... Even though I'm no longer listed as "following" yours, I'm happy to report I do read all your posts :)

mister anchovy said...

I haven't been using google reader...I do use bloglines, but I thought I'd try this out. I set it up manually late last night.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'm confused about the follower feature as well. After hearing about Karen's issues, I thought I would just steer clear of it, for a while anyway. I like to use stat counter myself.

fitzgerald said...

mister anchovy, thanks for being one of my followers. I also read your blog in Google Reader. But can not believe that I missed this post, I guess I am reading too many blogs. If that is possible.

The way it works for me is that when I follow a blog, it automatically gets added to my "blogs I am following" folder in Google Reader.

And thanks for all the great videos. :)