Saturday, June 02, 2007

Rossi visits Dr. Judy

Rossi had his first vet visit today. He weighs 8lb 3oz. His temperature is normal. He has ear mites. Both his top canine teeth are broken. He had bloodwork done and we'll know the results on Monday. And, we made an appointment to have him neutered in a week or so. He was very calm, cool and collected during all the poking and prodding. The shot with the towel is the after bloodwork spa treatment received courtesy of Dr. Judy, the best vet. The cat carrier picture was taken during his first car ride.


Wandering Coyote said...

Well, I'm not surprised about the ear mites. Does he have to have the teeth pulled, though?

Anonymous said...

AAAAAWWWWWWWW! He looks adorable, like he's plotting his revenge on you.

mister anchovy said...

for the teeth, we wait and see....

Timmer said...


Geeky Tai-Tai said...

Rossi is adorable!

Candy Minx said...

He is cute! He looks like it's not his first rodeo.

Red said...

I hope Rossi's bloodwork's okay and he gets to move in with you guys as of next week. Keep us informed...

Karen said...

Ear mites...not too bad (could be worse). The teeth, another story. Maybe he can see a cosmetic kitty teeth dentist? It would be a shame for him to have to get dentures. Glad to hear other than that he's relatively healthy.

sp said...

Rossi! He appears to know that he must endure the vet and obviously trusts you. What a sweetie.

* (asterisk) said...

Rossi is a gorgeous genius. Hope all is as it should be with the blood work.