Sunday, June 03, 2007

Road Hockey

This afternoon, the radio was on in the kitchen with a talk radio channel on. The topic was road hockey. It seems somebody or other is trying to ban kids playing hockey on the street. It seems some kids are rude and they don't clear out of the way fast enough for residents to roar past fast enough. Various cranks were calling in to tell the world how horrible it was for these kids to be playing hockey on the street. After all, tennis balls could land on somebody's lawn, or worse yet, bounce of the trunk of some shiny new SUV. We wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

Let me say that I love to see kids playing hockey on our street. They're having some healthy fun. Road hockey is a Toronto tradition. I can recall doing it in my own childhood, calling out carrrrrr whenever one needs to pass...the goalies moving the nets until traffic passes....

Perhaps the cranks who called into the radio station would rather have the kids out of the way, perhaps trading crack for guns down on the corner.

I guess it was a slow news day for the talk radio people....


Wandering Coyote said...

We have lots of street hockey around here and no one seems to have a problem with it, and the kids get out of the way no problem. It is good healthy fun at at time when the trend is kids sitting in front of the tube or on the computer.

zydeco fish said...

I played tons of road hockey, but not in Toronto. If you ask me there should be a bi-law protecting road hockey.

Great White Bear, said...

Banning street hockey in Toronto would be like baning stickball in New York and Philly. Some traditions should never die!

Candy Minx said...

Yes, what they said...besides...the kids will move and it's a natural form of traffic calming.

I say let's ban all the cars instead!