Monday, June 04, 2007

Roadtrip to the Upper Michigan Peninsula

Next Saturday, I'll be taking off for a week of R&R, chasing brook trout on the Upper Michigan Peninsula. If there are any sardines, smelt, herring, moon-eye, jackfish, monkfish, black-nosed-dace, sculpin, rock cod or red-finned mullet out there interested in looking after the good ship Anchovy while I'm away, let me know over the next few days. It's always fun to hand over the helm for a few days, but at the same time, I know it is a lot to ask....


Candy Minx said...

Um, excuse me does this mean your foot is better? Did I miss the post where you told us you can walk again? Ha ha I bet an icy cold spring river will be just the medicine for you! Happy fishing...and I will volunteer to make some posts...but I don't know...I'll just rant about totalitarian agriculture and well...I have an idea...why not if I ask if Pete can volunteer to post at your blog? I'll see what I can do....

mister anchovy said...

Hi Candy,
Yes my foot is doing much, much better, thanks.

Great White Bear, said...

So which of the UP streams are ya gonna do? Big Two Hearted and Fox on your list?

I know your a trout guy, but take some poppers along. If the trout fishin gets slow, there is some fine smallie fishin to be had there. My buddy terry says he can't count the number of times a bad days fly fishin was rescued by a pooper and a couple of stiff fights with smallies.

mister anchovy said...

GWB, thanks for the advice. I emailed you my stream list...