Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I don't know what it's like where you all are, but it's cold in Toronto today, and yesterday it was rainy. Here's a little Tex Mex to warm things up today. If you don't know these guys, it's Auggie Meyers, Flaco Jimenez the late Doug Sahm, and the late Freddy Fender. They called themselves Texas Tornados at this point in their career, but these guys played together quite a bit for many years.

By the way, Flaco can be found playing on the new Ry Cooder Album, My Name is Buddy - which apparently chronicles the adventures of a cat found living in a suitcase in Vancouver.

Speaking of Ry Cooder, here is a video of Mr. Cooder doing a song he recorded many years ago. This one happens to be a personal fave - it's called Jesus on the Mainline.

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