Monday, June 04, 2007

New Look Royal Ontario Museum

It's complete. So, whaddyathink?

I'm looking forward to seeing it from the inside. I think it's quite a showpiece for the city!


Candy Minx said...

I think it's fricking awesome. I love it. and I hope this is enough space so that the ROM doesn't have to do any more renovations for a long long time. Are yall going to the gala dinner...I love the idea that the museum is opne to the public after midnight for a viewing. Should be fun...I bet Anitia and Behzad will go then!

Keep in mind that I LOVE the OCAD building. I think it's really beautiful.

mister anchovy said...

I like the OCAD building a lot too Candy. It's playful and delightful and wacky and inventive.

sp said...

I wish I was there to see and yet glad that I'm not there to be working as a caterer at the opening (ha ha). I would love to see it though.