Saturday, January 27, 2007

Oh oh.......

Armed with the promise that I could revert back to my old template, I started messing with "Layouts" in Blogger. This immediately wiped out most of the stuff on my sidebar, including my links. Now I can't figure out how to revert...... As they say, curiosity killed the cat. Be patient, as I rebuild, or find the old template, or throw a brick through my monitor.....grrrrrr

Whewwwww!!!! I figured out how to get the old one back if I need it.

I'll be messing with this until sometime tomorrow, so don't be surprised if it looks all jimmied or links to your blog are Solomon Burke says, "Easy.....don't rush me"

UPDATE The layout feature in the new Blogger has all sorts of problems, at least using my Mac and Safari. Safari crashed on saving layout changes countless times. Moving page elements was as easy as drag and drop except when it didn't work. I couldn't get the pictures page element to upload the pink anchovy picture I wanted to put at the top of my sidebar. Still, it is easier than going into the html and figuring out what everything is when I want to change my template. I added an RSS feed from a Google news search - giving me articles about accordions. I may try to set one up on my fly fishing blog as well.

I hope you enjoy the new look. I'll keep enhancing it a little here and there, but I'm going to mostly keep it like this for a while - until I feel like it's time for a change again. If you think the new look stinks, I'd love some feedback - tell me why.

I moved links over from the old template to the new one and I reorganized them a little. As well, the new list is a little shorter than the old list. If I failed to bring over a link to your blog and you would like me to put it back, please let me know, and I will.

I switched from Safari to Firefox and it works much much better with Blogger...


Wandering Coyote said...

I'm not switching because the new Blogger probably won't work on my old laptop. I cannot take the risk. I like the new look here, though. The blue is very cool.

* (asterisk) said...

I save every single template change I make, just in case I need to revert. Even if the only thing I change is an apostrophe. Guess I'm weird like that.

Glad to hear you're a Mac and Safari kind of guy. I've just recently got simply too fed up with Safari and have switched almost permanently to Firefox. But I do miss those glorious round buttons. Firefox is just a bit to PC-looking for my liking, but it is way faster and less glitchy than Safari.

* (asterisk) said...

Oh, and the blue is nice, by the way.

mister anchovy said...

I've been thinking about switching to Firefox.....maybe I will try it out one of hese days.

A said...

Firefox works very well on my non-Mac laptop- I haven't seen a pop-up in years and the search bar options are extraordinary. I expect the Mac version should be the same quality.

Love the new blue!

The new blogger is indeed proving frustrating. (My friend calls it "The Suck.") I've found that when I upload photos, they still appear in a new browser window when clicked on, but no longer have a resize option. This is pretty frustrating. What's worse, it appears that you can't contact a Blogger technician directly- you have to jump through hoops and post to a "help group", then scan reply e-mails with dozens of unrelated posts. Argh. Can't wait until they sort this thing out.

Good luck restructuring.

Gardenia said...

Hey Mr. Anchovy! I have escaped naw naw land concerning computer for a short while - found one at the public library that is working - and no death threats today - so far that is.

Sorry about the hassle with blogger - I was afraid to try anything artistic with it for now - especially when I haven't my home computer nor DSL or Cable access. I am going to do major restructure after getting settled and will send you a link then - in the meantime, have fun with YOUR restructure~!

I am escaping today - after appying for jobs and catching up on blogs, I am going to the movie - "The Queen."

Wandering Coyote said...

I think my ReTorte link is gone...Not that it's that important since I've been neglecting it for so long... Really like the blue...

zydeco fish said...

I haven't messed with my template yet. Maybe sometime this week. I had no idea that there were so many accordion news stories.

mister anchovy said...

WC, ReTorte is back...thanks for pointing it out. cheers.