Sunday, January 28, 2007

Gump Worsley RIP

NHL Goaltending great Gump Worsley dead at 77.
"I never really did wear a mask.The last six games I wore one. I was retiring and Wren Blair told me, 'You better put on the mask and save your eyes.' It was awful warm. And you still ducked."


Timmer said...

I remember collecting hockey cards and I had a few of Gump. His name was easy to recall. Hey the enhancements to your page look great!

mister anchovy said...

I always appreciated Gump because he looked like such an unlikely athlete but still did a great job....+ like Johnny Bower, he didn't need no steenking mask.

Ink Casualty said...

This is very sad to me...just got a Christmas card from Lorne a couple of weeks back. The Hall of Famers of our generation are starting to pass quickly...cherish them while you can.

Anonymous said...

"And you still ducked" That is beautiful!

I like the new layout and colours. Looks great.

greatwhitebear said...

Gump was as fun to watch as any goalie I ever saw. Very acrobatic, the ultimate flopper! Grant Fuhr was the last of that breed.

Worsley also had a grand sense of humor, he was a great interview. he'll realy be missed