Monday, January 15, 2007

A nasty day

Well, we had our first nasty day of the winter here in Toronto. When I woke up this morning, I could hear freezing rain pinging on the roof. As happens every year, lots of people forget how to drive, and they get mixed in with overly agressive drivers in SUVs, and POW, collisions everywhere. A tractor-trailer carrying liquid oxygen tumbled on the 400 highway this afternoon. Since there was danger of a big boom, they closed the whole road. I am very glad I wasn't stuck out there!

Tonight I hung out at home, oganizing my various boxes of sheet music into tabbed binders so I actually have a chance to find what I'm looking for when I want it. I've accumulated a heap of sheet music....I collect it faster than I can learn it. So many songs, so little time.

The cats thought organizing papers was a good game and took turns jumping on me or on the binders. They simply can't resist.


zydeco fish said...

You're right. Sometimes, I think people ought to take a new driving test every year, or maybe take a test on ice.

Anonymous said...

What is it with cats that think one should be waiting to entertain them? The sitting on your important papers thing, or pouncing your face while flossing, etc., etc. ??

Yes, I've noticed some bloggers are complaining and I noticed here too - solid ice and people are driving like its a balmy summer day - rather than hazardous enough to send a person to an early grave....

Anonymous said...

PS - I like the flikr photos a lot of your work, your trip and the cats. I love "tomar3" "street art" and "nazare2". flikr does just about as good as a fancy Flash created site. Can't wait to get to FL and start working on painting, etc., and messing with flikr and the online short movie program. I pray I have the time. I already have one free lance web design job for a Cajun on line store. That will be FUN! They make a "Ya Ya" seasoning that is to die for.

mister anchovy said...

I love some of that Cajun music, and etouffee and gumbo make me happy too.