Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday walk

Today was another great Sunday for a walk. It was snowing when we started, but mostly it was a cool overcast day. We met Anita and Behzad at the Broadview subway station at 1:00 and we walked for about 3 and a half hours. Today's walk was in and around The Don Valley east of uptown Toronto. We were in and out of the valley, past Riverdale Farm, into the Necropolis Cemetery, past the St. James Cemetery, into Todmorden Mills, through the wildflower walk.... The walk was like a big figure - 8. Once again, Anita did a fabulous job coming up with a walking route.

I hope the weather is good for another one next week.


Wandering Coyote said...

Ooooh, you actually got some of the white stuff at last!

mister anchovy said...

...a very little bit, but we're expecting some more serious snow overnight.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome walk! We do that too ... just wander around the City.

I'm here via GTA Bloggers.