Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Regent Park Revitalization

For those not from these parts, Regent Park is a housing project on the east side of Toronto, built about 50 years ago. The development is about 70 acres, with no interior streets - the place was to be a so-called "garden city", where "buildings sit in park-like settings, streets are removed and the comm unity is set apart from the fabric of the city". There were successful only in creating isolation.

Regent Park is being demolished in stages, to be replaced by a new development. Here is the vision:
"The vision is one of vibrancy, diversity and sustainability—in building types, designs and heights, incomes, uses, community services, recreation spaces, learning facilities and activities. In short, a healthy community shaped by the residents of this community. The vision sees the community infrastructure renewed alongside the housing infrastructure. Redevelopment offers a unique opportunity to take a new and inclusive approach to building a vibrant, healthy community and to creating a place where poverty can be reduced through community effort. The vision for Regent Park recognizes that a healthy sustainable community is one where residents and community agencies shape and participate in learning opportunities, have access to economic development initiatives, and are able to creatively address issues of immigrant settlement and individual health."

I saw a picture the other day, of Mayor Miller operating a big machine, symbolically beginning the demo job. I really hope to see an improved community in the near future, a better place for the residents to live and raise their families.


Radmila said...

YOu know, I really wonder whether the residents will be "welcomed back" in 12 years. 12 years is a long time. Long enough that probably most people wouldn't want to come back anyway...or long enough for them to "get lost" so to speak.
Call me cynical, but that is prime real estate, and all they need to do is have the same plan for St Jamestown, and the neighbourhoods' moniker can be changed from Cabbagetown to Cashtown.

mister anchovy said...

I hope the city is serious about the redevelopment.

Radmila said...

well, they've relocated everyone, and the ground will be broken.
They've been talking about it for years and people didn't believe that it would be done.
But, it's about the money...and welfare housing in an emerging affulent area on prime real estate that can make 10 times what they get from it now, will just not do.

Besides the crime element, which will just move to where it's relocated. It might slow down for a bit while it gets it's bearings, but I wonder about the impact of "spreading the love" all over the city.
Call me a cynic (because I am) and I'm glad that they're flattening regent park...but I'm wondering where all the crime will spread,

mister anchovy said...

There's plenty of crime to go around, that's for sure.