Sunday, January 22, 2006

My St. Clair

Butcher Shop, originally uploaded by mister anchovy.

A good place for sausage.


Timmer said...

I'm writing this because I had no sausage, but had to whip something up for when I returned from voting. So let's call it the walking man's tuna/bean/vegetable chowder.
1 can beef broth
1 small onion chopped
1 cup spinach chopped
1 carrot sliced in rounds
1 small green pepper sliced and diced
4-5 broccoli florets
I can white kidney beans
3-4 spoons of chili powder
Put all of this in a slow cooker on high and walk to the polls, vote, have a pint on the way home.
Add I medium sized tuna steak(I used frozen)
Push it down and let it cook on high for 15-20 minutes longer while you watch poll results on tv. Get some good bread out(I use whole wheat pita).
Eat! It tastes pretty good.

Timmer said...

Oh, don't forget a pinch of parsley in there!