Sunday, January 29, 2006

Miners found safe in Saskatchewan mine

This is the winter of the mine disaster. This time, the miners are safe, altough they are still in the Saskatchuwan potash mine, in sealed refuge rooms, with 36 hours of oxygen, waiting until the fire is out before exiting. I can't even imagine working in a mine. My father once took a train up to Timmons with the intention of working in a mine. A friend of his was up there, and called my dad to say, come up, we're making good money. My father took the train up there, and went down in the mine once, turned around, and took the train back to Toronto. He just couldn't get used to the idea of working underground.

As Merle Travis wrote: Dark as a dungeon and damp as the dew, and the dangers are doubled and the pleasures are few.....and the rain never falls and the sun never shines, and it's dark as a dungeon deep down in the mine.

Here's a follow-up.

1 comment:

greatwhitebear said...

My closest friend used to work in a huge coal mine in Illinois with his dad... his brother still works in a mine in Colorado. The events of the last few weeks have left him horribly shaken. First time in the over thirty years I've known him I have ever seen him close to tears.