Sunday, January 29, 2006

Book Review: The Golden Spruce

I just finished reading The Golden Spruce - A true story of myth, madness and greed, by John Vaillant. This book tells the story of Grant Hadwin, a very disturbed ex-logger who cut down the famous golden spruce on Haida Gwaii in a twisted protest against clearcutting. It seems he did not know the importance of this tree to the Haida and their culture, and was aiming his protest at MacMillan-Blodell. The Golden Spruce true life mystery as Grant Hadwin still alive? What happened to him when he set off in a sea-kayak from Prince Rupert across the Hecate Straight. He never made it to Massett for his trial. The book also provides a brief but informative history of logging and a history of the Haida themselves.

This is not a great book, but it is an important one. Everyone should know the story of the rape of old-growth forests on the west coast. Look what we've done.....

1 comment:

Wandering Coyote said...

I am not familiar with this story, but am an ardent tree hugger. Someone tried to log Cathedral Grove once, and after I visited there, I couldn't believe someone would even consider doing that. It turned out to be a miscommunication on Mac Blo's part (if memory serves) and thank God it was stopped before any more damage had been done. Cathedral Grove is a very apt name for that place.