Thursday, August 07, 2008

Newfoundland dogs trained for helicopter rescue

Wow! I've been looking at a bunch of videos posted on Youtube of Newfoundland dogs. These gentle giants are particularly good at water rescue and at carting.


Anonymous said...

haha..holy crap man..forget the cart...get yerself a helicopter and play fetch for a few hours...

Barbara Bruederlin said...

They don't seem to mind those helicopters rides too much either, do they?

mister anchovy said...

ya, the dogs seem to love it. I think helicopters are a trifle expensive last I checked though.

Anonymous said...

While the height they're dropping from is impressive, I think it's actually cooler when they jump on command from a boat to rescue a person. (In these videos they have people hauling them out of the helicopter so they won't get tangled in the skids.)

I do love the tail wagging as they get dropped, though. Newfies are so agreeable. :-)

Also, it looks like they were doing this with several breeds including labs, and I'm not sure what the second dog was - Leonberger, maybe? Or a very large Alsatian?

Unknown said...
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