Friday, August 08, 2008

Steve Jordan tribute in Austin

I was interested to read over at Let's Polka , among other places, about the upcoming Steve Jordan tribute in Austin, but saddened to find out that Mr. Jordan has been suffering from liver cancer for the past year. Steve Jordan will play at the tribute, along with many of the best conjunto musicians in Texas.

Mr. Jordan is a remarkable musician. Some people have described him as the best button accordion player ever. I don't much subscribe to "best ofs", but let me say that his playing is unique, technically fantastic, and very inventive. I've not heard anyone else play anything like him. He plays an amped custom Hohner Coronna II fed through an echoplex or some-such technology. Check out the videos below...

Here is a video from YouTube that was shot in 1990 by Slimcyder:

And here is another of Steve Jordan performing a Huapango, also shot by Slimcyder:

Here is one more, this time with the late great Oscar Tellez on bajo sexto:

The tribute is this Sunday. details here. I understand that proceeds from the concert will help pay for Mr. Jordan's medical expenses. If you're in Austin this weekend, make a point of going out to support a great musician, Esteban Steve Jordan. I hope the tribute is a huge success, and I send best wishes out to Mr. Jordan and his family on behalf of my readers and music fans everywhere.

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