Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another blast from the past....

Here's another blast from the past. We had seen an exhibition of Jack Shadbolt's work at the Bau Xi Gallery in Toronto, and Mr. Shadbolt was really on his game and the show was fantastic. Tuffy P. wrote a letter to Mr. Shadbolt and suggested lunch next time he was in town. He responded affirmatively, and so when he came to town, a number of us took him out for lunch to some place around Bloor and Bathurst. After lunch, Mr. Shadbolt ordered a martini and started telling incredible stories of his adventures in the art world. It was an amazing day.

In the back row, from the left, sculptor Scott Childs, Mister Anchovy's alter ego Eugene Knapik, and painter Tim Noonan. In the front row, on the left is painter and film-maker Candy Minx, and to her right, the late great painter Jack Shadbolt, and to Jack's right, Tuffy P's alter ego Sheila Gregory.


Bridget Jones said...

Tim's gorgeous! Any relation to Peter?

Anonymous said...

Wow. How thoroughly wonderful. Jack's stories must've been amazing.

mister anchovy said...

...for instance, Jack told us about seeing Guernica at the Paris World's Fair in 1937!