Thursday, August 28, 2008

City Beat

I saw a post over at Radmila's place about the TTC's decision to stop giving metropass holders free parking at Subway stations. I agree with Radmila 100%. The city wants drivers to use the "better way", but this is going to be quite a financial wallop to those who park at the subway and take the train into work. The charges are going to be between $2 and $6 per day. Let's say for argument's sake, it will be $4. Most metropass holders use the service at least 5 days per week, so that's $20 per week or $80 per month + the cost of the metropass. This makes driving to work a much more attractive option for commuters.

I think the city and the TTC are on the wrong track with this. If we're serious about promoting the service, it has to be more attractive to commuters, not less.

You can read details at CityNews.

1 comment:

Bridget Jones said...

Great environmental policy, that.

Can those people think? I mean, really?