A sure sign of spring...
As the weather gets nicer, the hit count at this little island in the sun tanks until only a small circle of friends (die-hards and accordion freaks) are still hanging out. Well, spring is after all in the air, isn't it?
I wonder if the good folks at Google would help me attract more readers if I planted a few key words like "Brad and Anjolina" or "Obama" or "Paris Hilton", or "Oprah" or.....
Who you calling an accordion freak?
I can play spoons, however.
Don't worry Barbara, your secret is safe with me!
Do I show up on your stats when I'm reading on the iPhone Google Reader?
I know I should comment more often - will try and do better.
Have you thought of trying Twitter? If you search "accordian" there I'm sure you will find a lot of kindred spirits.
Hey Az,
I think all hits are showing but heck I could be wrong.
Twitter? I just don't get it...
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