So what's the federal budget going to look like?
My bet is the budget will be as conciliatory as Prime Minister Harper can bear to make it, and I'm predicting the government won't fall. The Liberals will regroup under Ignatieff and will use the next year to make points and rally support.
What's your prediction?
Well, I always felt that the "coalition" was a fake out...a grand stand...I suspect it will be business as usual.
This is both irritating and charming about us. We get all riled up...scare the power and they back off and then we carry on.
Ignatieff...I suspect wants to win fair and square without a forcing of play. He is probably feeling if it's not too extreme actions in the next week or so...he will ride out and his party will get organized. He'll likely be together enough for a proper elective win.
It was reported in the paper today that Ignatieff favours leading a coalition over forcing an election, but to me that means he'd really prefer to give Harper time to be ineffective in bad times, then fight an election later from a position of strength.
I think your prediction has nailed it, Mr A. I can't see it panning out any other way really.
Politicians are lying cheating scumbags. Those are their better qualities come to that....
Nuff said.
Ignatieff would "really prefer to give Harper time to be ineffective in bad times, then fight an election later from a position of strength."
Sounds about right. He knows it's not quite time yet.
I'd like to see the coalition stay together, but I think your predictions sounds pretty accurate.
My new hope is that the government will have to take a stronger environmental stand following the lead of Obama (which I suspect Obama will do). How is this related to the budget? I believe that the solution for the economy and the environment are inextricably linked.
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