Sunday, January 04, 2009

New paintings

I'm about to start a new group of paintings in my secret lab studio hidden away in the bowels of Anchovy World Headquarters. There have been all kinds of good reasons for me to stall, but I've run out. Time to face the music. Starting new paintings and starting a new studio are both anxious events for me. That's why I like to have a group of paintings going at once, so if I complete one or two, I still have others going while I start new ones. New paintings in a new studio signal time to take stock, think back, look forward, chew on some new ideas, revisit abandoned ideas and so on.

The last time I started a new studio, in the converted shed behind the previous Anchovy World Headquarters, I had the most prolific period of painting ever (some of them were even pretty good paintings...har!). During the period I've been without a studio, while we were selling the old place, moving and setting up here in Longbranch, I've accumulated all kinds of thoughts, images, snipets, titles, approaches, strategies if you will. Somehow or another, those will manifest themselves. The nature of my work has long been improvisational, though, so I also know that whatever thoughts I come in with are just that, opening shots, jabs, and feints.


Anonymous said...

sounds cool. looking forward to seeing the results

Stagg said...

You could name a 12 series the Twelve days of Kwanza!!

mister anchovy said...

I could do that Stagg, but I don't think I will. I do have some stray titles kicking around though, waiting for the right paintings to come along.