Friday, January 16, 2009


I was driving home yesterday, listening to the radio when regular programming was pre-empted for coverage of the plane crash in NY. That was so amazing that the pilot managed to fly the plane like a glider and land it safely on the Hudson River. Fate fell in favour of those passengers as the plane even came to rest right near the ferry docks.

The last report I read said that one woman sufferred broken legs and nobody perished. Those passengers are going to have an amazing story to tell their families and friends when they finally get home. I wonder if some of them will take the bus?


Barbara Bruederlin said...

The film footage showed passengers exiting the plane in an orderly fashion. Even more impressive!

Candy Minx said...

Camille Paglia says disasters like plane crashes are the new religion or some such...

It had all the headlines "miracle in the hudson" was a quite a great story wasn't it. I couldn't stop watching the tv for about half an hour on the coverage.

Did you know that most people in plane crashes actually live? Apparently the stat is 95.7 of people in aircraft crashes survive!

mister anchovy said...

I never would have guessed that stat Candy. You learn something every day. I think Camille Paglia is wrong, though. Celebrity is the new religion. Just turn on TV, even the news, and you'll hear about what the gods and goddesses are doing.