Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Canray Fontenot and Bois Sec Ardoin


Candy Minx said...

I can['t play this yet...the neighbours are still asleep.

The Preacherman said...

canray who? what?

sounds good though

by the way...you are on the Drunk Punk show 13th Feb...

hope you don't mind. Dunno what scooter boy's will make of it ;-)

Candy Minx said...

Wow, Preacherman...that is exciting!

Which reminds me...Mister Anchovy you should send your cd to "Pandora". He adds all kinds of music to the playlist. I'll try to find you a mailing address. Did you register it with ISBN for libraries too?

mister anchovy said...

Preacherman, very much appreciated!
Candy, I didn't register the CD for libraries. I'm just happy to have been able to play some music with John and get some of it recorded.