Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's snowing.



Anonymous said...

but it looks pretty doesn't it?

Wandering Coyote said...

Have fun with that!

mister anchovy said... it turned out, nothing stuck and and it only snowed for a short while...I was still able to rake leaves and work around the garden.

Gardenia said...

ooooh - I keep thinking its too early, but its not, is it?

It's down in the 50's here - sooooo cold. Do you feel sorry for me? Wups - just heard it was 43 - that's really cold. Time to call the pussy cats inside - no more staying out at night. I hate this - my flowers are going crazy with blooming - they love the cool weather!

"H" raked pinestraw and packed it around the flowers.....I hope my slowly ripening bananas don't freeze....

now the forecast is popping up - seems like it'll stay in the 60's -for Thanksgiving....

oooohhhhh, dress warm now.

Bridget Jones said...

Yay for it not sticking. Same story here :(