Monday, September 08, 2008

Shaddie's big adventure

At some point night before last, our youngest cat Shadow went outside. Normally, if he goes out in the dead of night, I just have to stick my head out the door in the morning and say, "Shaddie, breakfast..." and he comes right in. Yesterday, however, he was missing in action. He didn't come home for breakfast, and then it rained most of the day and still no sign of him. After the rain, I was outside finishing up the shed until almost dark, and still no Shadow. I was convinced something very bad had happened. Perhaps he was treed by a dog and then was too scared to come down? I don't know.

Very early this morning, at about 4:00, Tuffy P heard something out front and checked the door. It was Shadow, safe home! He has all sorts of plant life stuck in his fur, so I'm guessing he really hunkered down in deep cover somewhere during the rain.

Tuffy gave Shadow a little food at 4:00 and then a little more when she fed the others at 6:00. In between, he settled between us on the bed in a very deep sleep.


Wandering Coyote said...

So glad he's back safe & sound.

Candy Minx said...


Barbara Bruederlin said...

How frightening! For everybody involved. I'm glad that Shadow had a nice safe bed to sleep in.

Bridget Jones said...

WHEW how worried you must have been. Very glad he's back home again!

sp said...

So glad he's home and well fed and rested now. It must be the new environment he's getting use to.