Wednesday, September 03, 2008


We're all moved into the new Anchovy World Headquarters. I'd like to thank our excellent moving crew, Eric, John, Sean, Fionn, Killian, Vox, Cathy and Derek, East Texas Red, Frank and the world's greatest father-in-law. Saturday we had most of the the stuff from our former Headquarters moved, and Sunday East Texas Red and I drove up to Tuffy's dad's cottage to get a load of stuff we had stored over there.

We're living in a sea of boxes. Did I mention that?

We were supposed to have a phone on Saturday, but that didn't happen. It didn't matter until Saturday evening, but by then the Bell robot wouldn't let me talk to a human. On Tuesday morning, they told me sorry we gave that number out to someone else so you can't have it. I informed them that Tuffy called the number from her office and the message said it wasn't connected. I also informed them that the service we paid for to have a message placed at our old number referred people to the number they gave me. They looked into this and said the problem was our number was 'stuck in a status'. I wonder what that meant? By Tuesday 6:00, a tech was at our place. There were apparently several lines coming into the house. He messed with it for a while and pronounced it good.

I then tried to configure the internet connection. No go. I called the tech line, and obediently entered my phone number on the key pad. We're sorry, you can't get high speed internet in your neighbourhood yet, said the happy message. I waited for Buddy the tech guy for half an hour. He looked into it and said that when I was given the second new number, the internet service wasn't activated. He told me to call the dreaded business office during business hours and they would have me set up in less than 48 hours.

Tuffy called this morning. My solution was to simply move everything over to cable, but she suggested the cable people are just as difficult. Tuffy was able to finally get somebody on the line who recognized how close they were to losing our business. That person got our internet set up while she was on the phone. I believe it was a miracle.

We had an arborist in this morning to look at our trees. We have a number of mature trees on the lot that haven't been tended to in some time. These include two crab apple trees which are huge. I raked loads of fallen apples yesterday.

Today, I'm making shelves, so we can begin to organize stuff in the basement. Good thing I'm off work this week and next week, because there are loads of jobs to be done around here.


Anonymous said...

Yes I remember the telephone company connections in that former municipality well. I ended up switching to cable for computer though so I applaud your success. BTW phone service there is spotty due to squirrels eating the wires! My telephone outages were many and were much appreciated as moments of peace when no one could reach me except by email! Glad to hear you're in and send best wishes to you and Tuffy in your new home.

Wandering Coyote said...

Well, I'm glad you're in and the most hectic part is over. But, these stupid service providers, eh? Nothing is ever simple with them.

Mmmm...crab apples...crab apple jelly...

Gardenia said...

And we wonder why Prozac is so popular in the 21st century. It is because of telephone companies. Totally, I'm sure.

Have fun getting your nest arranged, and we'll wait for pictures!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I hope your head isn't too sore, from banging it against the wall - a direct result of dealing with phone companies. Now go unpack some boxes!

zydeco fish said...

Man, I hate Bell. It's an evil company. But, the cable guys are probably just as bad, as Tuffy says.

Candy Minx said...

Glad you are up and running again. Can't wait to see pics of those trees...and the cats adapting to thi=eir new savannah...

Bridget Jones said...

But it's fun work mostly, huh? I guess you're in Anchovy New World Headquarters (lol)?

Nice touch reminding Ma B who's boss. They seem to have the hardest heads. Rogers' is catching up in stupidity though. I never regreat dumping them.

Good idea raking up the apples. They attract hornets (not so much bees) and THEN you're in for a treat!

Congrats on maintaining your sanity and successfully completing the move!