Friday, September 05, 2008

Jack the Tree Guy, and where is that camera cable?

Yesterday Jack the tree guy worked on our trees. Our front there is a mature locust tree which hasn't had any work done to it in years. As a result, there were lots of dead limbs hanging over the driveway. Jack cut all of these back for us. I snapped some pics of Jack up in the tree but the location of my camera cable has thus far eluded me, so all pictures are delayed until I find it.

Out back, a number of trees including two huge crab-apples had limbs pressing against telephone wires. In one spot, the previous owners prevented a huge limb back from breaking the wires by jamming a 2X4 between the limb and the ground. Dangerous business. Jack cleaned this up all the way to the back of the property. The back yard is now littered with piles of branches. The cats are having a ball back there.

Today I'm going to attempt to assemble a shed out back. The instructions come in a booklet in several languages, complete with complex and incomprehensible diagrams. I believe if I can sort them out, I ought to be granted an honourary engineering degree.

1 comment:

tshsmom said...

I've been relentlessly pruning trees all summer, and I've barely made a dent in what needs to be pruned. :(

Good luck with your shed! Those instructions are a BUGGER!