Saturday, September 06, 2008

Cats and Cardinals

We have cardinals living in the trees around the new Anchovy World Headquarters. They have no fear. I often see them on low branches and on the ground. They should, however develop some fear soon. As you know we also have a pride of felines around the place. That's Jerry and Shadow in the picture. The cats are having a ball in the back yard. It's like we moved to some kind of kitty-cat amusement park. I don't know if they've seen the cardinals yet, but I know they've heard them. Most of them have already chased squirrels, but fortunately, squirrels are very very fast. Hopefully, the birds will stay in the trees.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Those kitties are having a blast! Nothing like a new yard to discover and conquer.

Wandering Coyote said...

I just hope they don't bring home their dead prey and present it to you like a trophy! It might be sad! But I am so happy the cats are having such a good time! There'll be enough stuff there to keep them amused and active for a long time, I think.

sp said...

The cats look like their having a great time.

Bridget Jones said...

BB's right, those kitties look darn happy. Hope that the birds survive. My aunt put belled collars on her cats to save the birds.

shemvic said...

Congrats on your move. All the best in your new digs.