Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wow, I've been given an award....

It's called the Arte y pico and it was laid on me by Az over in Spain, who writes an excellent blog. Thanks for thinking of this old can of anchovies.

It seems the award comes with a whole bunch of rules attached. I've never been very good at following rules though....hmmmm


Barbara Bruederlin said...

How suitable that you would get the much covetted fish award! Well done.

Bridget Jones said...

Congrats, Mr A--well done!

(and, she adds girlishly, it's a pretty award too!)

zydeco fish said...

Congratulations. Must have something to do with accordions :-)

sp said...

congratulations. What are the rules?

mister anchovy said...

I'm supposed to post the rules and then bestow the award on a few more people.

Here's the thing. I'm happy that Az thought enough of my blog to do this. I just have an issue with tagging people to do anything on the internet, and as soon as I'm asked to do it, I immediately don't want to do it, even it the spirit of the thing is good. For the same reason, if somebody tags me for a meme, I will do it, but I don't tag anybody else.

I hope that I don't offend anyone with this decision.