Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Saskatoon-berry Crumble

My saskatoon bushes are doing really well, and this year, I have loads of berries. The other day, I made a batch of saskatoon-berry crumble. It's no big deal to make.
I mixed together some flour and some quick oatmeal and some brown sugar and a little salt and a pinch of baking soda and some cinnamon and some melted butter to make the crumble. Then in a baking dish I poured a pile of ripe berries, and on top of that a layer of apple slices. I loaded the crumble topping on top and baked it for an hour.

It was seriously good. Even better, I'm sure I'm going to have enough berries for another batch.


Bridget Jones said...

Saskatoon berries!!! OMG how cool. At one office at which I worked (95 hour weeks, no less, for 4 frickin' years) there was a Saskatoon mafia. One of the wives in the SM made saskatoon berry pic, and some of us non-saskatooners were treated to it. Haven't had much of it since, but it was so definitely cool.

Thanks for the memory-jogger, Mr. A!

Anonymous said...

Yum! How many berries bushes do you have? Do you need a lot of bushes to produce enough berries?

mister anchovy said...

hey garden grrrl. I have 3 bushes. One is about 5 years old, one is a year younger and the third I've had for just a couple years. Realistically though, 2 plants will bear a lot of berries, but you have to be patient as the plants grow for two or three years.