Saturday, July 05, 2008

The best cat you'll ever meet....

Jerry in his garden.


Karen said...

Jerry looks very happy! And what a gorgeous garden. Great job, Mr. A.

mister anchovy said...

thanks Captain!

tshsmom said...

What a spectacular "jungle" you've created for Jerry to roam in!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Fabulous! Jerry has done a wonderful job. My Sputnik likes to garden too, but mostly just attacks those who try to pull weeds.

Wandering Coyote said...

He's great! I have a picture of him sticking his tongue out at me!

mister anchovy said...

Jerry is extra adorable when he sticks his tongue out, isn't he? He must have had some sort of accident when he lived on the streets because his tongue seems to have a little chunk missing out of the tip.

sp said...

Jerry is so handsome. Every cat should have a garden like that.

The Nag said...

I love photos of pets in their gardens. Jerry certainly looks like the master of his domain. Here's a photo of my pet in his garden: