Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Anchovy Gardens

Happy Canada Day!


Wandering Coyote said...

Gorgeous! The roses are my favourite!

mister anchovy said...

I love the black hollyhocks...

Anonymous said...

hollyhocks remind me of my mom's gardens. Thanks.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I have dark purple hollyhocks but they are only about a foot high right now, so I shall just enjoy your glorious garden instead.

Happy Canada Day, Mister Anchovy!

* (asterisk) said...

Belated HCD to all you Canadian types!

Gardenia said...

Oh so beautiful - I want to touch them. I don't know why people don't grow holly hocks here - I miss them.

sp said...

Oh the hollyhocks! They are gorgeous. I'm still hoping to see mine bloom this year.