Thursday, July 19, 2007

Squid Jiggin'

Every have one of those days, when you'd just rather be squid-jiggin'? That's today.
The video on top features Ryan's Fancy from the 70s.


Gardenia said...

This was pretty interesting. Were these really squid? I just tried squid in an oriental restaurant - but didn't know how to eat it - nibbled on the little legs which were rather like gummy worms, with Chinese spices.

BTW, how is the African cooking coming?

mister anchovy said...

haven't cooked any yet....but I love squid (what anchovy wouldn't)

shemvic said...

Great video. Reminds of Stompin Tom though. And when I think of Stompin Tom I think of Bud the Spud. So have a listen.