Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sam the Record Man closing

I can't remember a time when Sam the Record Man wasn't on Yonge St. In fact, I was one year old when Sam opened up his store. Now all the oddities in the store are up for auction. I can recall going in with my sister, and seeing Sam himself hold court. I loved the place really. It always looked rough around the edges. There was always a chance that some really interesting and delightfully obscure music was sitting in inventory. I can recall boxing day sales when it was so crowded you couldn't move (I don't recall any great deals particularly, but that's beside the point).

Times change - but I'll still miss Sams.


Candy Minx said...

Sam's closed about ten or so years ago...but then managed to survive. Maybe someone will take it over? I love the place too...but once the guys were moved from playing chess it was all downhill from there...

Wandering Coyote said...

I heard it was made a historical site, which is kinda cool.

mister anchovy said...

I agree about the chess guys.

Anonymous said...

More than a few years back I went to Sam the record MaNN! I was in search of John Zorn and there was a whole section full of everything and a few I couldn't even get her in Chicago at that time. I didn't have the money then and it was hard to walk away...So...I meet up with Mr. Anchovie that day and he is of little help by telling me...STAGG NOW YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS!!
I will missssSaMM Duh RECorDD Mann very mooch.