Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's going down on Lansdowne?

Timmer made an important post on his blog about a plan to narrow Lansdowne Ave here in Toronto, taking out a parking lane. I guess messing with St. Clair wasn't enough for some of our city politicians. When I drove down to my music class on College St. there were big yellow signs on just about every lawn on Lansdowne between Bloore and College demanding that Councillor Giambroni back off on his plan to narrow the street.

The people are talking. Mr. Giambroni, are you listening?


sp said...

Hmm, I do wonder what Giambrone's thinking is behind this one. I would have thought he would want to put in a bike lane on Lansdowne which could link the Dupont to College routes.

Good to see people (my old neighbours!) out protesting that one. I hope Giambrone listens.

Timmer said...

The suporters went to City Hall yesterday and the city is going through with the alterations despite resident refutations. Giambroni wasn't in attendance. This will not be good news to Ardis and Claude either! It means more parking and traffic on our street!

Anonymous said...

While the goals of narrowing and "greening" Lansdowne may be good, the approach of ramming this plan through without properly consulting residents of all area streets (not just Lansdowne) is what really has residents up in arms. Giambrone simply does not know better than anyone else what is good for us.