Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Onions and shallots

Last night I dug and reconfigured one of the backyard gardens, to fit with my plan for a new curvy pathway and a shade patio. Tonight, I planted shallots and two kinds of onion sets in that garden. Looking at the yard, this may seem weird, since I still have tons of weeds to pull, and a lot of landscaping to do. None-the-less, I can't imagine a spring garden without onions. I should have some spinach planted by now as well, but I'm just not ready for it yet. Instead, I may pass on the spinach and plant a variety of lettuce seeds, a row each week, so we have young lettuce for quite a while. Early next week, I'm ordering the stone and the plan is to put the patio in the week of the 14th. It is going to take a while to do the patio. There are quite a few plants I will have to move, and as well, I want to level the patio, so I'll be building a small retaining wall.


Candy Minx said...

Oh fantasti...onions, the best! I also love lettuce form a fresh garden, what kind of lettuce?

sp said...

Wow it sounds great. Good luck with the landscaping.