Friday, May 25, 2007

My foot

I did something bad to my right heel a few days ago. Naturally, I've been ignoring it, but this morning, I could hardly put weight on it and it has been pretty bad all day. I will take the usual guy approach and continue to ignore it for another day or so. It isn't really swollen, so I'm hoping that means I didn't break a bone..... going to have to hold off on finishing the backyard project until this gets a bit better.


Candy Minx said...

Sounds like a sprain. Uh oh. I assume you put tons of ice on it? Hope it isn't too bad...a good excuse to rent movies and lie on the couch though?

Anonymous said...

Ok Mr. Anchovy you've hit one of the subjects I can't resist - medical diagnosis. No credentials on my part give basis to my advice, just lots of time spent in various hospital waiting rooms. I leap to the diagnosis of planter fasciitis - google it - there's lot's of stuff. The cause? All that lifting and standing on hard surfaces creating the perfect rest place to recuperate from it.

Anonymous said...

In all of my zeal to diagnose I forgot to extend best wishes for a speedy recovery. Have enjoyed reading your patio construction. Hope you are well soon.

mister anchovy said...

hey it happens I have a history of plantar was doing well since I've been wearing orthodics (which naturally I didn't wear while I was working). Normally, though the pain is bad at first but lessens as I walk on it, but it's bad all the time now....could be I tore the tissue pretty good and it's all inflamed. I've been taking advil to combat the inflamation and periodically icing it, and trying to stay off it (but not doing well on that account). If it is really bad still tomorrow, I may bring my copy of Lord Jim to the nearest emergency room and rest up there waiting for Xrays....I want to be sure I didn't manage to crack a bone.

Gardenia said...

Uh, you haven't really exactly been resting with your feet up, ya know! The stump looked like a job for a crew with a crane and a truck and you used a shovel and your body! My 61 year old friend just broke her back digging post holes with an auger - it caught on a rock, she jerked it back and POP! Weekend warriors, beware! I hope you don't have to go to ER - but sometimes its better to go and get early treatment.