Wednesday, May 30, 2007

foot update

My heel......feels much, much better today. I think there are two problems going on, planter fasciitis and tendonitis. I have a history of planter fasciitis which was doing very well before I went crazy working on the patio (without my orthodics in....I must have thought I was 25 and invincible).


Candy Minx said...

Ouch...but I am relieved to hear you are feeling better. At least you have a nice patio to be wounded on.

Wandering Coyote said...

I have had lots of problems with plantar fasciitis, too, but it seems to have rectified itself since I've been off work. I know it can be brutal, though.

Great White Bear, said...

sigh... admitting to it is the worst part of growing old. Unfortunately, I am way on the wrong side of invincible. Sounds like you are discovering the same phenomena!

Timmer said...

Glad to hear it's getting better! Your enthusiasm for geting the patio job done bested your memory!

Gardenia said...

oh, to be 25 with the minds we have now - imagine what worlds could be conquered. Seriously, hope you continue to heal. Since your multiple talents include gardening and landscapign - I understand the temptation to overdo.......